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Hamish is Peachy Mark
I can't reveal our full use of Net Promoter Score to you,, a competitor. But if you eat in our pubs you'll find it. All I can say is read "The Ultimate Question" by Frank Reichfeld and you will understand why we use it.

At Peach we measure every week our service performance and this and a combination of all the training, culture, process and sheer fun has lead us to be recognised in the industry and in fact in all retailers as one of the leading customer service companies in Britain. In 2008 we won the National Customer Service Award for all retailers beating Specsaver and Waitrose, no other restaurant group or pub group even entered. Sad in my view as our industry is pretty fantastic at service in lots of places. We aim to win those awards to attract great people to Peach ...... why not send us your CV! we are always looking for good people.

1 month ago >     Report

2 posts

natsa 24 November 2022 at 12:10
How are you? Pleasure to meet you last week at Peach 2020! Don't forget about the Disney Bursary- deadline is the 30th of November, please send any stories through and I will get them up-this area of the site is having a mini revamp so may be best to send straight to me!!Hope you are well.

32 posts

1 month ago >     Report

14 posts
Mark The customer service programme by the National Skills Academy for Hospitality has been given a name by industry, and the tourism regions - "WORLD CLASS CUSTOMER SERVICE". It is a name that I am happy with and it is far shorter than the original name and more importantly it has come from other that have attended or have been involved with the customer service programme. I would have liked them to come back with customer replaced with guest, but on probing after comments below, I see excellent service providers seeing their customers as guest internally, but in the UK when asking customers eating in restaurants whether they are a guest or a customer, their take was that a guest does not pay and normally refers to accommodation. Hence in time we may move, but for now internally you are all guests in our communication, but externally you are all customers. Thank you for your contributions.

1 month ago >     Report

14 posts
Mark Hamish, I have heard of NET PROMOTER SCORE from M&B;, but would really like to understand your take on it. I understand you are a medium size business and do you use this in your own business? If so what are the benefits? Is the cost and process easy to apply? Would all businesses benefit or are there boundaries? Anyone else have a view of Net Promoter Score - Theses are your guests that rave about you, but apologies for the poor explaination and I would appreciate a better explaination by someone who actually uses this method of assessing Guests Experiences.

1 month ago >     Report

14 posts
Mark Peach Pubs, I wish you all the success with your first big smoke pub. I hope your approach to food, drink and service really raises the eyebrows of those around you. The turning over the rocks is an interesting question, because feedback is so helpful and requires a response. I recommend that on your feedback you leave a space for them to get a direct response and action plan back if they wish. I think most feed back forms are not filled in because people just do it as a marketing exercise. The ablitity to respond back or to be thanked for your feedback will make it more than a marketing exercise which most believe it is and see it for what it is intended to be. This is my suggestion of how you can make the turned over rock be even more effective. I actually know of a hotel that had a guest feedback on how dire the toilets were, the hotel refurbished the toilets and invited them back to officially open them. This is what I am referring to. Also a news letter saying Mr. Jones said that the locally sourced vegetables really do taste like they did in the old days. This is an example of what I have expressed by the actioning of feedback, any views welcome

1 month ago >     Report

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