
Disney Webinar

Disney Webinar
2 Hours
The National Skills Academy for Hospitality introduce the first in a series of innovative "Webinars" from the Disney Institute, Florida.

Our definition of “Webinar”? A seminar delivered live over the net - and on this occasion the topic will be ‘People Management’ followed by a Q&A session.  The event will be fed direct from The Disney Institute, Florida.

To run the webinar within your business you will need a laptop, speaker phone, projector and a suitable room to facilitate your team. 

The webinar will be held on 26th January 2010 at 3.00pm and will run for approximately ninety minutes.  There are a limited number of private access logins available at the cost of £500 which will enable you and your team to experience the magic in-house.

All companies taking part will be placed into a draw to win a bursary to the Disney Institute, Florida in May 2010.  The bursary is worth around £4,000 and includes park access, training, flights and accommodation- what better way to get your staff engaged for the year ahead!

Bring Disney into the heart of your business for the New Year and watch the magic unfold!

If you would like more details or to book onto the webinar then please Contact: [email protected]
Call: 07826 511314

Disney’s Approach to People Management
Every business has a culture. Communicating and nurturing the culture of your organization is vital to the successful management of your employees. From recruiting to career management, employees want to know your expectations and how you are going to support them in meeting those expectations.
The Walt Disney Company is recognized as a leader in people management and an employer of choice. We manage a large and dynamic workforce at all of our Disney Destinations, yet employee retention, a huge issue in the realm of people management, is one of our Disney success stories.
At Disney Institute, our professional facilitators will encourage you to explore how we select, train, communicate with and recognize our workforce. Through interactive presentation, you will discover the value of creating and maintaining a culture that supports retention, productivity and organizational goals.
This is your chance to see how we manage our most important asset, the people at the Walt Disney Company. Let Disney Institute welcome you inside one of our living laboratories and show you proven concepts you can adapt to your organization.
•       Select employees with the skills who are the right “fit” for your organization’s culture.
•       Train employees to make their best contribution and provide them with opportunities to improve their performance.
•       Communicate with all levels of your organization.
•       Provide a supportive environment that celebrates success.



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