Spotlight On...


...Kiaran MacDonald 

General Manager of The Savoy

You studied Hospitality at Thames Valley University… would your teachers describe you?

My law lecturer would describe me as very sleepy.  I had a tendency to nod off in class.

What did your parents do?

My father was a civil engineer and my mother was a dietician.

Who is the most famous person you have served?

It has to be Her Majesty the Queen 

Your star sign is Cancer – You are reliable, emotional and sympathetic to the needs of others but can also have extreme moodiness, from charming and bubbly to dark and depressed. How accurately does this describe you?

Completely disagree. I am not in the least bit charming or bubbly.

Describe a typical day in the world of Kiaran?

I am an early starter, up before the birds. A typical day for me would be trying to figure out as many ways as possible of staying out of the office and spending time with guests and colleagues and conjuring up excuses to get out of yet another black tie event!

Is it true that the Savoy hotel has a 120 year history?

Actually a touch more.  The Savoy welcomed their first guests through its doors on 6th August 1889. 

What is the Savoy Training Academy?

It is the re-launch of the famed Savoy training programme it’s goal is to be an inspiration and provide on-going development and training for people coming into and growing within the Industry. Everyone that works at the Savoy will get the opportunity to go through this training.

Do you really have 800 people working on the Savoy restoration?

We have over 1000 now.

Is it true there will be no check in at the Savoy?

Absolutely right.  Our goal is to allow our arriving guests the opportunity to be escorted directly to their rooms.

I heard you were into your DIY – have you used your DIY skills to help with the hotel restoration?

Are you kidding? 

"The thing I love most about my job has to be people. The ultimate satisfaction of looking after people and the glamour of hotels"
-Kiaran MacDonald 

How important is it for you to be working for a “green” company.

Tremendously it is one of Fairmont's core values.

What do you love most about your job?

The ultimate satisfaction is leading a team of engaged colleagues in stretching the boundaries of a Hotel experience for our guests.

What is the hardest thing about this industry?

It is all consuming and the constant challenge for work life balance.

Who inspires you in life and in the industry?

I am definitely inspired by my team and my family and life.

What do your friends/family think of your job?

My best friend can’t believe anyone would be mad enough to put me in charge of the Savoy and my family is very proud.

I heard that you once had an incident with Sprinklers – tell me more?

Yes, I was standing on the 18th Green at The Fairmont Princess, Bermuda serving cocktails at a VIP reception & having the sprinklers come to life.....not a pretty sight!

What has been your biggest career achievement?

The appointment as General Manager of The Savoy. 

If you could go back in time and give yourself one bit of career advice what would that be?

Take risks while you're young as it gets tougher to do so the older you get. 

What is the most expensive thing you own?

My children's education!

Gherkin or gurkout?


Marmite – love it or hate it? Love it

Love it

Favourite chocolate bar?

Kit Kat

What do you want to be when you grow up?

To be young again

To visit The Savoy website and follow Kiaran's blogs please click here
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