Spotlight On...

...Alison Frith

Managing Director - Artizian

What were you like at school? How would your teachers describe you?

A quote from a school report said “Alison is quite good but can be noisy in certain company”

What did your parents do?

My father was first a farmer then a lecturer in agriculture. My mother was a  home economics and needlework teacher which is why I was always asked to alter the evening dresses for the teachers.

What made you start a career in hospitality?

Home economics was my favourite class, I was really good at it but was always marked down for not following recipes – even though the results were great. I then started working in restaurants when I was 14 and I loved it. 

I heard you like making new mistakes – what do you mean by this?

I so hate repeated mistakes in business. It means people have not learnt from them the first time.

Is it true that you are on a lifelong hunt for George Clooney look-alikes?

I certainly am! Every time an advert comes on with him in I stop and watch it. These are the only adverts I will ever watch. Some people get better with age, he is certainly one of them.

How on earth do I know which wine to order in a restaurant? Is there any safe bets?

Depends on what you like. If it is white then I like Italian Gavi de gavi, but new world Sauvignon Blanc or Chablis are all safe bets. 

You are a Virgo – they are highly organized and task-oriented. Virgos have strong analytical skills and they like things done right, in fact you could say they are extreme perfectionist. Does this sound like you?

Oh dear yes and my team will definitely verify it.

Have you ever served any famous people? – what was it like?

The best one for me was seeing Richard Branson and apparently Danny Minogue was in our pub the other day.

What was your best holiday ever?

My honeymoon on North Island in the Seychelles.

Describe a typical day in the world of Alison?

Check messages, check e-mails, update my to do list. Then whatever is in my diary - generally visiting sites, checking standards, chatting with our team players, meeting clients and catching up with my senior management team. 

"If I could go back in time...I wish that I had understood the importance of recruiting a senior enough seller in the early stages of the business. Although I thought it was expensive I actually couldn’t afford not to"
-Alison Frith 


What do you love most about your job?

The fact that the company reflects my values, is mine, is something that I have created and the fantastic people I work with - brings a smile to my face every day.

What is the hardest thing about this industry?

The ever increasing legislation and really low profit margins.

What has been your biggest career achievement?

Artizian’s success and being able to attract such an amazing senior management team.

Who inspires you in life and in the industry?

I tend to look outside the industry. I am inspired by so many things I notice no matter how small or simple, I am constantly inspired even when on holiday.

What do your friends/family think of your job?

They are all really proud of what I do. I think they think I’m more successful than I believe that I am. They are also amazed at the people I come into contact with e.g. Richard Branson. 

What is the biggest mistake you ever made at work?

I am absolutely rubbish with names. I once went to thank someone for something they had done for me and although I knew them really well, at that moment  I completely forgot their name. It was in front of a group of people and very embarrassing. 

Is it true that you are a bit of a rugby fan?

Yes I am. I saw Wales play New Zealand the other weekend and I was not impressed by some of the decisions made by the ref. 

What are the most expensive things you own?

My husband and definitely his kids!
My mini cooper D - I know it is not that flash but I love it.
And the hot tub in the garden.

Gherkin or gurkout?


Marmite – love it or hate it? Love it

Love it and peanut butter as well as long as it has chunky bits in it.

Favourite chocolate bar?

Green and Black

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I don’t want to grow up. Growing up means growing old.

To visit The Artizian website and read about Alison's company please click here
To go to Alison's page click here

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