Once upon a time.....Funniest Stories

Even Industries most Inspirational Leaders have made huge mistakes, experienced very embarrasing moments and lived to tell the tale.

Our bravest leaders have chosen to share their "now" funny stories with you.

New stories each week!

"I was working at the Royal Garden hotel and was lucky enough to be serving the owner that had come over from Singapore for the opening. I think the nerves must have got the better of me. I managed to spill Tom Yang Soup all over him. I was horrified but both him and his guests thought it was really funny. This is not something I would recommend doing!"

Peter Avis, Restaurant manager - Babylon at The Roof Gardens

"Saturday night at TGI Fridays I was the Manager on duty and it was really busy, the kitchen were getting behind on their orders so I was asked to go and see a table that had been waiting ages for their food to try and ease the situation as they were not happy! I went over and thought I would try an ease the situation by getting the guests minds off their late food. Knelt down and started talking to the lady on the table, asking how she was etc and noticed a bump so said to her “oh when is your baby due” to which she said “ I am not pregnant” !!. Let’s just say they ended up not paying for anything that night!"

Sean Wheeler, Director of People Development - Malmaison & Hotel du Vin

"Being late to meet Prince Charles"

Chris Galvin, Joint Founder - Galivin at Windows

"Serving an instantly recognisable, world famous ballet dancer Fish & Chips, which had been swiped, unopened and in pristine condition from our bartender, who had been about to sit down for a late lunch. The Gentlemen in  question had arrived very hungry after the kitchen had closed down and the Chefs had left. Keen to please we served the dish which had been purchased from the local fish and chip shop together with a soft drink and the hungry bartender stood by watching his chips being devoured by one of the greatest athletes on earth. He was so delighted he left a huge tip and everyone was happy."

Eren Ali, Managing Director - Las Iguanas

Do you have a Funny Story? If so click here to tell us about it.

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