“Fell into Hospitality But I Love It!

Sean Wheeler's Inspirational Journey

Career Path: Glass Washer > Catering College > Operations Manager > HR Manager > People Development

“I once knelt down and started talking to the lady on one of my tables, asking how she was etc and noticed a bump so said to her “oh when is your baby due” to which she said “ I am not pregnant” !!. Let’s just say they ended up not paying for anything that night! "

My Story: I fell into the hospitality industry as I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was at school. My first job was washing glasses in a local pub when I was 14 years old, though I told them I was 16 years old as I needed the money! I really loved the atmosphere at the pub, the fact I was working having fun and still earning money. The landlady at the time was doing a cooking course and so promoted me to starters then mains in the kitchen and got me to go to catering college. And here I am today 30 years on still in the industry, still loving it, learning lots and having been lucky to work with some great people and great companies over that time – here's to the next 30 years!

Funny Story: Saturday night at TGI Fridays I was the Manager on duty and it was really busy, the kitchen were getting behind on their orders so I was asked to go and see a table that had been waiting ages for their food to try and ease the situation as they were not happy! I went over and thought I would try an ease the situation by getting the guests minds off their late food. Knelt down and started talking to the lady on the table, asking how she was etc and noticed a bump so said to her “oh when is your baby due” to which she said “ I am not pregnant” !!. Let’s just say they ended up not paying for anything that night! 

























Director of People Development - Malmaison & Hotel du Vin

“Learn from my mistake - Never ask a lady when the baby is due if you are not 100% sure they are pregnant!"

Countries Worked:

The Fun Stuff:

“I play Tennis"

For a full biography of Sean Wheeler click here

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