“Good Service is Essential

David Loewi's Inspirational Journey

Career Path: Porter > Degree > 3 years at Claridge’s > Food and Beverage Director > Managing Director 

“I had the opportunity to work in the Far East"

My Story: I have accumulated over twenty five years of experience in hotels and restaurants. After completing a postgraduate degree in Swiss Hotel Training I worked for three years with the Savoy Group at Claridges. I then joined the Hyatt Group where I rose to the position of Food and Beverage Director. I also had the opportunity to work in the Far East operations. I am now working as Managing Director of D&D Restaurants.


Funny Story: When working in Claridges (Savoy Group) HRH was about to attend a state banquet , Half an hour before the due arrival it was found that the porters had mistaken the trunks containing all the pages, and footmen's uniforms , for guests luggage checking out and put them in the limo for Heathrow .  Those were the days before mobile phones !   Some very red faces greeted HRH 


























Managing Director - D&D Restaurants

“Good service is an essential ingredient of a successful restaurant – it can absolutely make the difference between a good meal and an exceptional one.  A waiter who is passionate about the restaurant and knowledgeable about the chef’s food is the best advert you can get – a great personality is not something you can buy, but it is something we should all encourage and support"

Countries Worked:
Switzerland (hotel training)
Hong Kong
Now with D&D  Denmark, USA, Japan

The Fun Stuff:

“I enjoy Tennis and Skiing"

For a full biography of David Loewi click here

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