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natsa My last meal would have to be...
Starter: Scallops with an array of shellfish as the garnish-would die if I ate it anyway so it may as well be my last starter.
Main: Toughie, I do enjoy a fry-up but I think I would regret this choice in the after life. So I would have Dover sole with some yummy garlic and caper butter and chips-I know they don't go so well but it would be the last meal so would need these in it.
Dessert: Also tough, but it would have to be, my grandma's Norweigan Apple cake with home made coconut ice cream! Done and done. Now that's what I call a cracking line up!

1 week ago >     Report

jonnyapps This is one of my favourite recipes:http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/database/searedtunasteakwitho_71304.shtml

3 weeks ago >     Report

Smile, Smile, Smile
Smile, Smile, Smile 28 July 2023 at 18:07
looks good jonnyapps, I will defo try this one!
Mac I am looking for the perfect way to cook Pork Belly - got to have crispy crackling and moist succulent meat - tried a number high oven low oven temp combinations and preparations but not perfect yet - any suggestions please?

1 month ago >     Report

jonnyapps 27 July 2023 at 14:15
Sounds delicious
Mac I love offal (from the Old English "off fall", and the German Abfall meaning rubbish)- probably why we end up with terms like:
Heart Liver and Lungs - pluck
Offal from birds - gibblets
Lungs - lights
Spleen - melts
Pigs Intestines - chitterlings
Venison offal - (h)umbles
My favourite offal remains pink calves liver served with bacon, creamy mash and a rich jus and bacon.

1 month ago >     Report

Mac My last meal requests might be:
Foie Gras - with a fantastic glass of Barsac or some wonderful simply seared Scallops with a delightful Montrachet
Calves Liver and Bacon with creamy mashed potato and a glass or two of Pauillac
Pudding - easy one - rich and creamy Cheeses with a glass of Port

1 month ago >     Report

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Just keep smiling!!!!

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